The Mackinac Blog

Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island – Photos

Located on quiet Market Street, the Cottage Inn is just one block from the downtown area. Ferry Docks, Mackinac Island State Parks, historic Fort Mackinac and the Mackinac Island Marina are only a short stroll away.

The Garden Balcony Room is one of the most popular rooms at the Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island. You are treated to your own private balcony over looking Market Street where you can hear the clip-clop of passing horse carriages and see the historic buildings that line the street and get a glimpse of Marquette Park and Fort Mackinac in the distance.

The Cottage Inn of Mackinac – Photo Gallery (Click on photos for captions & slideshow view)


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Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island – Garden Photo Gallery (Click on photos for captions & slideshow view)


Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island – Photos via Instagram

Here are the latest photos of Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island via instagram. If you have an instagram photo to share of your visit to a Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island, tag it with #cottageinnofmackinac and your photos will appear in the photo stream below.


Visit Cottage Inn of Mackinac Island Website >>>>


Mackinac Blog - Mackinac Island, Michigan - produced by North Guide Internet.